Monday, December 28, 2015

2015 in Review: The Memetic Retrospective

Hey, it's almost 2016. That means this shitshow of a year is almost over. When you think about it, this really was one of the worst years in recent memory (aka the media covered a lot of scary things ;_;). As of December 21st, there have been more mass shootings in America than there are days in a year. The Paris Attacks. IS(IS)(IL) declaring war on literally everybody ever. Donald Trump is seriously running for President and people are seriously rooting for Donald Trump. The Democratic Party is showing its true colors (really red) by acting like a group of Republicans who decided to say some sensible things but deciding that, hey, fuck it, we're still politicians, so we need to do absolutely nothing right. Thankfully, it seems like this is the turning point for American politics; everyone realized it wasn't actually politics.

But that's in the past. We should never dwell on the past; we might actually learn from it, and that's bad.

Fuck the pretense, I'm Jake Reed and here's what I thought of some entertainment mediums in 2015.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Star Wars Strikes Back; A (Spoiler Free) Review of the Force Awakens

The Force Awakens; Directed by J.J. Abrams; Starring Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaacs, Adam Driver, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, and Mark Hamill. 

The Force has finally awoken. 'Bout damn time.

       After a decade of waiting, and many, many months of speculation and hype, the inevitable sequel to the Star Wars franchise has been released. Directed by newcomer to the saga, J.J. Abrams, The Force Awakens has been one of the most highly anticipated movies in recent memory, and set to become one of, if not the best selling movie in box office history. But we are here to discuss the movie itself. Does it follow in the footsteps of the classic trilogy, or does it fall closer to the excruciatingly mediocre prequels?

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The Blindingly Bright World of Tomorrow: Tomorrowland, A Review

     In stark contrast with my last review, and the majority of films these days, Tomorrowland brings a sense of optimism and hope to the future. So often are we subject in film to futures that are dark, grim, gritty wastelands that I forgot how refreshing a film about a bright and better future really is. Tomorrowland is director Brad Bird's most recent addition to his portfolio of already fantastic films (The Incredibles, the Iron Giant, Ratatouille, and Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol), and as much as this film is getting panned by the majority of critics, it is very well done affair. A completely original film, Tomorrowland really stands out as a fun, optimistic piece that's really quite different from the majority of films coming out these days. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

I've Never Been So Ready For the Desert Carpocalypse: Mad Max, A Review

"Hope is a mistake". Spoken from the mouth of the gritty, sandy, dirty, bloody, weary, wounded and resilient titular Max, this line represents the opposite of what this film stands for as far as the film industry is concerned. Never have I been more inspired for the future of the movie industry than I have right after I walked out of the cinema, fresh out of a showing of Mad Max: Fury Road Starring the phenomenal Tom Hardy as the strong and silent Max Rockatansky (Mel Gibson wasn't available to comment), Fury Road takes everything that is wrong with the film industry and shows you what movies have been missing. This movie blows almost every movie made in the last 5 years completely out of the water.